• Maine Central 470

  • Discussion of steam locomotives from all manufacturers and railroads
Discussion of steam locomotives from all manufacturers and railroads

Moderators: Typewriters, slide rules

  by RGlueck
Guys and Gals in the hobby, please take a few minutes to visit http://newenglandsteam.org" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; and kindly consider joining our group as we purchase, move, and rebuild, Maine Central 4-6-2, #470, from the city of Waterville, Maine. Everyone in this hobby is in it because we love to model the railroading that surged our lives with excitement -and still does to this day! #470 has stood outdoors for six decades, but an internal inspection this past February reveal a very solid locomotive inside, and fully capable of be restored. We have to begin now! I would observe that some of us can support restoration of a great locomotive more easily than others. However that observation applies to you or your club, please consider recognizing this effort with a donation. Contributions can be made by Paypal on the website, or by check, addressed to:

New England Steam Corporation
Post Office Box 302
Winterport, Maine 04496

Visit us on Facebook, "like" us, link us to your websites!

Thank you, "Keep calm and Steam on!"